
Land-rights protesters confront Premier - ABC Online

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Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Broadcast: 08/02/2012


Western Australia's Premier Colin Barnett has been confronted by about 50 protesters who describe a billion-dollar native title deal as a sham.

TONY JONES, PRESENTER: West Australian Premier Colin Barnett has been confronted by protestors opposing a prospective billion dollar native title deal.

About 50 protestors voiced their anger outside a meeting between the State Government and the South-West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council.

Protestors say the deal covering Perth and the state's south-west is a sham and won't benefit the majority of the region's Indigenous people.

Mr Barnett waited inside for half an hour due to security concerns before being escorted to his car.

PROTESTOR: In 10 years' time there'll be nothing for our generations after us.

COLIN BARNETT, WA PREMIER: Yes, there are protestors, there are people who don't agree. There are people in the white community, if you like, who don't agree with this settlement either, but the vast majority of people do support it.

TONY JONES: Some protestors carried a small tent which they later set up at state Parliament.

Today's events came just a fortnight after angry protests in Canberra about the future of the Aboriginal tent embassy.

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